Monday, June 22, 2015

I have lived this 32 years of life the only way I knew how. I have done things to smile, experienced things that made me frown. I have fallen in love, I have had my heart broken. I have searched for purpose. We spend our lives searching for that. Purpose, its such a small word. But this word is so huge when talking about life purpose. My purpose on this earth has always been to bring joy to others and to love deeply and unconditionally. I have spent too many years in search of somsone to give my love and joy to. It wasnt until just recently that I awakened. I spent so much time loving another and bringing joy to another I forgot about the one person who needs that joy and love the most. Myself. My journey through life and all of my experiences good and bad have culminated to this moment. This realization as if the universe has finally gotten through to my soul. Enlightenment, awakening. The full realization that I have spent my life doing it the wrong way. The more love and joy and give myself the more love and joy will be attracted to me. Then and only then am I really ready to love another and bring them joy.
It takes some people their whole lives to awake to the truth of their own existence and realize what their purpose is in life. I think my purpose is to love, to bring joy. I think most human beings meaning here on earth is to love one another. So much of our life would be easier if we would stop hating each other for being different. My awakening has happened and now im focused on loving me and bringing myself joy. The quest for health, happiness, and love starts and ends within yourself. I have never really loved myself until today, I mean really looked in the mirror and loved myself inside and out... This is a turning point for me and one that has been a long time coming and one I am glad has come to be. It started with a boatload of heartache but everything happens for a reason. People enter your life and exit your life. There are always lessons to learn from them, I learned that for me to find that one things I desire most of all in this world.. True love... I have to love myself and be happy with myself. Then that special woman who really deserves to receive my heart, my soul, my unconditional true love.. That women will not have to be searched for. All of this energy and love.. all of this joy.. It will attract her to me. Life has always been a journey and not a destination. This journey before me is brighter than it has ever been. The future has so many unknown possibilities. Instead of fearing them, I accept that uncertainty. Tomorrows sun rise will be the brightest yet and this journey for me has a new and welcome meaning,

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